I have been trying to figure out what to do with my hair. Do I keep it cut short or grow it back to shoulder length. I have always had long hair as you can see from my before picture. I wasn't terribly bad looking with a bald head but I do not think I would want to keep that look. My hair has grown back in and is starting to get long enough to be cut (I did have it trimmed but was not happy with the way it was cut).
A while back there was a letter sent to "Dear Abby" from a young lady talked about how her aunt had just gone through chemo and lost her hair but it had grown back. Her aunt was keeping her hair cut short but she had always had long hair and the niece thought she should let it grow back long again. The niece could not understand why the woman did not want to grow it back long again.
Let me try to explain some of my feelings on the subject.
I always loved my long hair. I did not have to get it cut all the time and I could wash and hang dry. I did not like having to blow dry my hair because it was very thick and took a long time to blow dry so if I had to go out somewhere immediately that could be a problem. I color my hair. I have had a lot of gray in my hair since I was 20 years of age. So I color my hair. With long hair I could go longer between colorings. The roots did not show as much. But because my hair was thick sometimes (especially if I put my hair in a ponytail) I would get headaches from my hair.(This was especially true when my hair was down to my waist, the older I got the shorter my hair got until it was just shoulder length) Those are my pros and cons on long hair.
I wore no wigs during my chemo and except when my head was cold, no scarves. I did have two hats I wore during the summer to keep the sun off the top of my head. I did not mind being bald, easy shampoo and dry, no coloring etc.
I thought short hair might work out OK but I came to find you have to get it cut more often to keep a nice clean look. You have to color it more often because the roots show more. I do like the quick dry and style. My biggest problem is finding someone who can cut my hair to where I like the look. I guess I had long hair so long that I do not know what short look is right for me. I do not go for the spiked look. I like having the tops of my ears covered. I just don't know.
Part of the Problem is the awkward stages the hair goes through while you are letting it grow long. Plus the texture of my hair has changed and it may not lie the same on my head.
I also hesitate letting my hair grow long again because what if I have to have more chemo. Hair gone again. Less traumatic if the hair is short, I think. I did not get real upset when we cut my hair short when I started chemo. We sort of made a party of it. But, I do not see that happening if I have to go through all this again.
The niece that inquired about her aunt's hair may want to consider she may be going through the same thing. Maybe she found a short cut that she likes and does not want to go through growing her hair long again. Maybe she is afraid to let it grow long again. Maybe she knows she will have to have some more treatments but has not told everyone else.
The niece should be thankful her aunt is there (and I am sure she is) and enjoy everyday. She said her aunt's hair was so beautiful but I bet if she really thought about it, Her aunt's beauty inside made the hair beautiful.
Well, I guess I will ponder what to do about my mop of hair. Maybe someone knows what short hair style would look good on my puffy (med) round face and give me some hints.
Everyone have a Great Day and Good Health.