If you have cancer and taking chemotherapy and other medications: Spring is here and you must be vigilant in taking care of yourself.
I love working in the yard. Everything from riding the lawnmower to pulling weeds in the flower beds. I love the colors of spring and summer and miss being able to really enjoy the swimming pool. Cancer medications react with the sun. I thought it would be OK to have a little garage sale. It was a beautiful day and I kept my hat on to keep the sun off my face. But I forgot about my arms and legs. The next day I had sun poisoning. I was sick for a week.
I had not been working in the garden because of the sun but the weeds were starting to take over, so out I went. I apparently had gotten some Poison Ivy growing in the garden and though I had normally not had a problem with it before my system reacted very badly to it. Oh was I miserable and so was my poor husband. He felt so bad for allowing me to go out in the garden. But as I told him, he could not have stopped me, I am bull headed all the way.
My whole system has changed and even though I am not on chemo anymore, my system reacts differently to almost everything. I never know what to expect. My medications make me sensitive to the sun still and I miss lying out by the pool and getting a tan. Time for "Tan in a Bottle". But I wonder if I will react to that.
Please consider what the worst that could happen would be before you go out and try to attack something in the yard. Bee stings may have a more deadly reaction if you are on medication.
Fire Ants, they are bad anytime. You may react to flowers and weeds differently. I love roses but right now the smell makes me nauseous. If you do decide to go out in the sun put on sunscreen, wide brimmed hat and wear a long sleeve shirt and slacks. Bug repellent is a must have.
Everyone take care and watch for all the little critters out there.
If you have any hints on how we can protect ourselves from the sun and bugs, Let my readers know. I am sure they would appreciate it and I would too.
Good Health to us all, Leigh