Today I received a donation from a wonderful person in Dallas, TX. I wish to thank her for her generosity and to express my feelings of gratitude.
The past almost 2 years have sometimes been a struggle to keep going. The kindness and generosity of wonderful people like this person and the great friends and family I have are what have kept me going.
Due to the loopholes in my state's Breast Cancer and Cervical Cancer bill I am not covered. I was diagnosed at a doctor's office and was sent directly to the hospital for a mammogram and then to the surgeons. I did not even know about the program as I had only lived here for 9 months and I had no insurance.
I want to Thank everyone that has helped, from a donation of cash to donation of items to sell on eBay. From food brought over for us to transportation to the doctors. Every little thing that you have done is a "Big Thing" to me and my family. God Bless to you all and Thank You Again. Leigh
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