In my blog of 7-19-09 I wrote about an article in Dear Abby from Fred Campbell about changes in the VA benefits for veterans who died of ALS.
Today Dear Abby had a new letter from Fred Campbell saying more than 2,000 emails and many letters and phone calls have been generated since Dear Abby's article came out on 7-18-09. Fred says that he is worried that it may take him too long to respond to all the inquires he has received so he is asking for her help by letting everyone know that if their veteran husband died of ALS, they should call the Department of Veterans Affairs at (800) 827-1000. This will get them to their nearest VA regional office. They should ask to speak with a service officer about their ALS claim for COMPENSATION, not pension. This will expedite the claim process.
If you read my blog from 7-19 and contacted Fred or gave the information to a loved one or friend, PLEASE give them this information to help expedite their claim.
Good health to us all.
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